ASTEC 2009
Workshop/Summer school on Algorithms and Techniques for Scheduling on Clusters and Grids

June, 02 - 05 2009, Centre CNRS "Les Plantiers"


The main objective of the workshop is to round up trends and challenges in program scheduling for parallel and distributed platforms.


The central scientific domain is scheduling under all its aspects, from theory to practice and implementation.  A special emphasis will be put on the following topics : multi-objective optimization, approximation algorithms, on-line algorithms, new computational paradigms, parallel tasks, work stealing, divisible load, Game theory, incertainties, etc.

The spirit of the workshop is to spend large amount of time on informal discussions or work in small groups. This atmosphere of intimacy is a necessary condition to create working dynamics and reenforce long time relationships between groups. Meeting of high quality specialists in various domains of program scheduling is expected to bring synergy effects and stimulate further research.


We expect several important benefits. The PICS cooperation set between France and Poland with the European Union sponsorship will be strengthened by the participation of several of its members in the meeting. The presence of influential members of different national communities (from the CNRS' GdR RO and GdR ASR) will foster new connections on common topics.  Tutorial sessions focused on young researchers are planned on specific developing topics.  Proceedings will be issued after the meeting to increase its international visibility (proceedings are expected to appear in the prestigious LNCS series of Springer Verlag).

International Scientific Committee


Hosted by LIG, contact Marin Bougeret