Error Codes

Every Athapascan-0 function returns A0ErrOk if no errors occured during its execution. If an error is found, one of the following codes is returned:

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, it returns the error code, otherwise it returns A0ErrOk. Possible values are as follows:
Error CodeDescription
A0ErrNotImplem Function not implemented.
A0ErrNoMem System memory is exhausted.
A0ErrFailPack No more data exist in the buffer to unpack or the buffer is already full to pack.
A0ErrLockedMutex Mutex is still locked, it can't be disposed.
A0ErrInvFormat Format passed is infalid.
A0ErrInvMutex Mutex passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvThread Thread passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvPriority Priority passed is invlalid, at least for the concerned scheduling rule.
A0ErrInvService Service passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvBuffer Buffer passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvTag Tag passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvalid There is an invalid parameter.
A0ErrInvBuffType Type of the buffer passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvReq Request passed is invalid.
A0ErrInvNode Node passed is invalid.
A0ErrNullReq Request has already been waited or tested for.
A0ErrFailSend Lower layer failed to send a message (User must abort properly).
A0ErrFailRecv Lower layer failed to receive a message (User must abort properly).
A0ErrFailComm Lower layer failed to communicate (User must abort properly).
A0ErrOkSuccessful completion.