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PSI Files List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:

alea.cpp Random functions for PSI
alea.h Header file of the random library
alias.cpp Methods of Alias class
alias.h Header of Alias class
alias.inl Inline methods of Alias class
analyze.cpp Methods of Analyze class
analyze.h Header of Analyze class
analyze.inl Inline methods of Analyze class
cost.cpp Methods of Cost class
cost.h Header of Cost file
cost.inl Inline methods of Cost file
fic_gnu.cpp Gnuplot manipulation in C++ code
fic_gnu.h Header of GnuPlot library
hbf.cpp Methods of HBF class
hbf.h Header of HBF class
hbf.inl Inline methods of HBF class
interface.cpp PSI User Interface
interface.h Header file of the interface library
percent.cpp Methods of Percent class
percent.h Header of Percent class
percent.inl Inline methods of Percent class
psi.cpp Main of PSI with user interface
psi_alias.cpp PSI Precomputation Main
psi_sample.cpp PSI Simulation Main

For more details, see the HTML sources full guides6.1. Note that Analyze an Percent classes are especially use for textual interface version of PSI.

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Florent Morata 2002-12-11