
Here is provided the description of the Athapascan-0 C language programming interface. All functions return an error code and other input and output parameters are passed as arguments.

The file ath0.b includes all user necessary Athapascan-0 prototypes and all header files of libraries necessary to Athapascan-0 . No inclusion of any other file is needed (for threads, MPI or akernel). When including header files like stdio.h or errno.h, they have to be included after ath0.b, because pthreads and MPI redefine certain basic things.

All Athapascan-0 types are prefixed by a0t, such as a0tBuffer. All variables and functions are prefixed by a0, as in a0Send() and a0NewSemaphore(). All preprocessed constants are prefixed by A0, like A0DefaultStack.

This is the reference manual of the C interface to the Athapascan-0 parallel runtime kernel.