Every Athapascan-0 function returns A0ErrOk if no errors occured during its execution. If an error is found, one of the following codes is returned:
Error Code | Description |
A0ErrNotImplem Function not implemented. | |
A0ErrNoMem System memory is exhausted. | |
A0ErrFailPack No more data exist in the buffer to unpack or
the buffer is already full to pack. | |
A0ErrLockedMutex Mutex is still locked, it can't be
disposed. | |
A0ErrInvFormat Format passed is infalid. | |
A0ErrInvMutex Mutex passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvThread Thread passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvPriority Priority passed is invlalid, at least for
the concerned scheduling rule. | |
A0ErrInvService Service passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvBuffer Buffer passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvTag Tag passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvalid There is an invalid parameter. | |
A0ErrInvBuffType Type of the buffer passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvReq Request passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrInvNode Node passed is invalid. | |
A0ErrNullReq Request has already been waited or
tested for. | |
A0ErrFailSend Lower layer failed to send a message
(User must abort properly). | |
A0ErrFailRecv Lower layer failed to receive a message
(User must abort properly). | |
A0ErrFailComm Lower layer failed to communicate
(User must abort properly). | |
A0ErrOkSuccessful completion. | |