
blocks thread on condition variable cond.


a0tError a0TimedWaitCondition(
a0tCondition *cond,
a0tmutex *mutex);


cond read Condition to be signaled.
mutex read Mutex associated to condition variable.


This function blocks on a condition variable cond which atomically releases the mutex pointed by mutex an causes the calling thread block on the condition variable pointed by cond. The blocked thread may be awakened by aoSignalCondition, a0BroadcastCondition, or interrupted by a UNIX signal.

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, it returns the error code, otherwise it returns A0ErrOk. Possible values are as follows:
Error CodeDescription
A0Err...Some error occurred.
A0ErrOkSuccessful completion.

See Also

a0 DisposeCondition() a0NewCondition() a0BroadcastCondition() a0TimedWaitCondition() a0SignalCondition()