
Performs a blocking send with a format.


a0tError a0FSend(
a0tPort *port,
int dest,
int tag,
a0tRequest *request,
a0tFormat *format,
void *address,
int count );


port read Port to send to (on destination node).
dest read Destination node to send to.
tag read Tag to use.
request write Request descriptor to hold the status.
format read Format of the data to send.
address write Address of the data to send.
count read Number of elements to send.


This function performs a blocking send to a given port port on a given node dest, with a given tag tag. A request is posted to send a message described by format, starting at address, with count elements.

On return of this function, the variable pointed by request contains an opaque request that can be used later to check the completion status of the operation.

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, it returns the error code, otherwise it returns A0ErrOk. Possible values are as follows:
Error CodeDescription
A0Err...Some error occurred.
A0ErrOkSuccessful completion.

See Also

a0IFSend() a0FReceive() a0IFReceive() a0UseFormats() a0NewMapFormat() a0NewFunctionFormat() a0Send() a0Receive() a0SendBuffer()