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Textual Interface

When PSI software interface textual package is installed, by typing psi, the following menu is displayed.

      |                                               |
      |            PSI - Perfect Simulation           |
      |                                               |
      |                   ID - IMAG                   |
      |                                               |

 (1) Precomputation    (3) Graphical analyze     (5) About this version
 (2) Simulation        (4) Tools                 (0) Exit

Options (1) and (2) correspond to psi_alias and psi_sample executables of Unix version. However options (3) and (4) is available only with user interface version and permit to use diferent tools, like GnuPlot graphics and statistics results of iteration number.
In any menu, by typing 0, you quit the current level.


Florent Morata 2002-12-11