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Input files

There are three possibilities to import a markovian model in PSI :

MARCA model : '.marca' extension file.
HBF model : '.hbf_r' extension file.
PEPS model : '.hbf_c' extension file.

Note that for MARCA models, numeroration is from $ 1$ to $ dimension$, for PEPS models, from 0 to $ dimension-1$, and for HBF models, both numerotation can be accepted.
On the other hand, internal and output PSI numerotation is from 0 to $ dimension$.

Model type Extension Header values Storage Numerotation
MARCA '.marca' columns number, rows number, 'nz_number' row $ 1$ .. 'dimension'
PEPS '.hbf_c' 'dimension', 'nz_number' column 0 .. 'dimension'-$ 1$
HBF '.hbf_r' 'dimension', 'nz_number' row both

Note that for markovian models, the rows number equals the columns number and its exact value is 'dimension'.

Florent Morata 2002-12-11