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00001 // network.h 
00002 //      Data structures to emulate a physical network connection.
00003 //      The network provides the abstraction of ordered, unreliable,
00004 //      fixed-size packet delivery to other machines on the network.
00005 //
00006 //      You may note that the interface to the network is similar to 
00007 //      the console device -- both are full duplex channels.
00008 //
00009 //  DO NOT CHANGE -- part of the machine emulation
00010 //
00011 // Copyright (c) 1992-1996 The Regents of the University of California.
00012 // All rights reserved.  See copyright.h for copyright notice and limitation 
00013 // of liability and disclaimer of warranty provisions.
00015 #ifndef NETWORK_H
00016 #define NETWORK_H
00018 #include "copyright.h"
00019 #include "utility.h"
00020 #include "callback.h"
00022 // Network address -- uniquely identifies a machine.  This machine's ID 
00023 //  is given on the command line.
00024 typedef int NetworkAddress;      
00026 // The following class defines the network packet header.
00027 // The packet header is prepended to the data payload by the Network driver, 
00028 // before the packet is sent over the wire.  The format on the wire is:  
00029 //      packet header (PacketHeader)
00030 //      data (containing MailHeader from the PostOffice!)
00032 class PacketHeader {
00033   public:
00034     NetworkAddress to;          // Destination machine ID
00035     NetworkAddress from;        // source machine ID
00036     unsigned length;            // bytes of packet data, excluding the 
00037                                 // packet header (but including the 
00038                                 // MailHeader prepended by the post office)
00039 };
00041 #define MaxWireSize     64      // largest packet that can go out on the wire
00042 #define MaxPacketSize   (MaxWireSize - sizeof(struct PacketHeader))     
00043                                 // data "payload" of the largest packet
00046 // The following two classes defines a physical network device.  The network
00047 // is capable of delivering fixed sized packets, in order but unreliably, 
00048 // to other machines connected to the network.
00049 //
00050 // The "reliability" of the network can be specified to the constructor.
00051 // This number, between 0 and 1, is the chance that the network will lose 
00052 // a packet.  Note that you can change the seed for the random number 
00053 // generator, by changing the arguments to RandomInit() in Initialize().
00054 // The random number generator is used to choose which packets to drop.
00056 class NetworkInput : public CallBackObj{
00057   public:
00058     NetworkInput(CallBackObj *toCall);
00059                                 // Allocate and initialize network input driver
00060     ~NetworkInput();            // De-allocate the network input driver data
00062     PacketHeader Receive(char* data);
00063                                 // Poll the network for incoming messages.  
00064                                 // If there is a packet waiting, copy the 
00065                                 // packet into "data" and return the header.
00066                                 // If no packet is waiting, return a header 
00067                                 // with length 0.
00069     void CallBack();            // A packet may have arrived.
00071   private:
00072     int sock;                   // UNIX socket number for incoming packets
00073     char sockName[32];          // File name corresponding to UNIX socket
00075     CallBackObj *callWhenAvail; // Interrupt handler, signalling packet has 
00076                                 //      arrived.
00077     bool packetAvail;           // Packet has arrived, can be pulled off of
00078                                 //   network
00079     PacketHeader inHdr;         // Information about arrived packet
00080     char inbox[MaxPacketSize];  // Data for arrived packet
00081 };
00083 class NetworkOutput : public CallBackObj {
00084   public:
00085     NetworkOutput(double reliability, CallBackObj *toCall);
00086                                 // Allocate and initialize network output driver
00087     ~NetworkOutput();           // De-allocate the network input driver data
00089     void Send(PacketHeader hdr, char* data);
00090                                 // Send the packet data to a remote machine,
00091                                 // specified by "hdr".  Returns immediately.
00092                                 // "callWhenDone" is invoked once the next 
00093                                 // packet can be sent.  Note that callWhenDone 
00094                                 // is called whether or not the packet is 
00095                                 // dropped, and note that the "from" field of 
00096                                 // the PacketHeader is filled in automatically 
00097                                 // by Send().
00099     void CallBack();            // Interrupt handler, called when message is 
00100                                 // sent
00102   private:
00103     int sock;                   // UNIX socket number for outgoing packets
00104     double chanceToWork;        // Likelihood packet will be dropped
00105     CallBackObj *callWhenDone;  // Interrupt handler, signalling next packet 
00106                                 //      can be sent.  
00107     bool sendBusy;              // Packet is being sent.
00108 };
00110 #endif // NETWORK_H

Généré le Sun Jan 15 00:44:24 2006 pour Architecture Cible de NachOS : par  doxygen 1.4.4