Description: Large scale computational grid, whose resources are distributed over large distances, are typical environments where the heterogeneity of both resources and connexions represent a challenge to efficient communication and coordination among the nodes. In this context, collective communication operations are specially concerned, once that achieving efficient collective communication operations on grid environments is a key aspect to high performance parallel applications. Therefore, efficient collective communications must be optimised and dynamically adapted to reflect the heterogeneity and/or the volatility of the environment. While traditional works on grid-aware collective communications simply rely on the separation of local and wide-area communications, this approach is far from the optimality. Our research subject, instead, considers the different aspects necessary to optimise collective communication performances. Indeed, in our work we investigate how topology discovery, performance modelling and optimisation heuristics may be associate to construct hierarchical communication structures that achieve a maximal performance while keeping a low complexity. |
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A., Mounié, G. "Prédiction de Performances pour les Communications Collectives". In: Proceedings of the 16ème Rencontre Francophone du Parallélisme (RenPar'16), Le Crosic, France, pp. 101-112, 2005. (ps and pdf)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A., Mounié, G. "Performance Characterisation of Intra-Cluster Collective Communications". In: Proceedings of the SBAC-PAD 2004 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Foz-do-Iguacu, Brazil, IEEE Press, pp. 254-261, 2004. (langue : anglais) (ps and pdf)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A., Mounié, G. "Identifying Logical Homogeneous Clusters for Efficient Wide-area Communications". In: Proceedings of the EuroPVM/MPI 2004 11th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting (2004), Budapest, Hungary, September 2004. LNCS vol. 3241, Springer-Verlag, pp. 319-326, 2004. (langue : anglais) (ps and pdf)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A., Mounié, G. "Fast Tuning of Intra-Cluster Collective Communications". In: Proceedings of the EuroPVM/MPI 2004 11th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting (2004), Budapest, Hungary, September 2004. LNCS vol. 3241, Springer-Verlag, pp. 28-35, 2004. (langue : anglais) (ps and pdf)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "iRBP, A Fault Tolerant Total Order Broadcast for Large Scale Systems". In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Computing (EURO-PAR 2003), University Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 2003. LNCS vol. 2790, Springer-Verlag, pp. 632-639, 2003. (langue : anglais) (ps and pdf)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A.; Jansch-Pôrto, I. "On the Evaluation of Failure Detectors Performance". In: Proceedings of the IX Simpósio de Computação Tolerante a Falhas (IX SCTF), Florianópolis, Brazil, March 2001, pp 73-84. (langue : anglais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Avaliação Prática do Desempenho dos Detectores de Defeitos" (Practical Evaluation of Failure Detectors Performance)In: Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do IX SCTF, Florianópolis, Brazil, march 2001. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A.; Jansch-Pôrto, I. "On the Evaluation of heartbeat-like Detectors" In: Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd Latin-American Workshop, Cancun, México, february 2001, pp 142-147. (langue : anglais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A.; Jansch-Pôrto, I. "Comunicação Não Confiável em Detectores de Defeitos com Falhas por Crash"(Unreliable Communication in Failure Detectors with Crash Faults). In: Proceedings of the II Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas, Curitiba, Brazil, july 2000. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A.; Jansch-Pôrto, I. "Avaliação Prática de um Detector de Defeitos: teoria versus implementação" (Practical Evaluation of a Failure Detector: theory versus implementation). In: Proceedings of the II Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas, Curitiba, Brazil, july 2000. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Avaliação Prática dos Detectores de Defeitos e sua Influência no Desempenho das Operações de Consenso" (Practical Evaluation of Failure Detectors and their Influence on the Consensus Operations Performance). In: Proceedings of the V Semana Acadêmica do PPGC-UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 2000.(langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Estudo sobre Comunicação de Grupos para Tolerância a Falhas" (A Survey on Group Communication for Fault Tolerance). In: Proceedings of the IV Simpósio Nacional de Informática, Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria, Brazil, 1999. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L.A. "Analyzing RBP, a Total Order Broadcast Protocol for Unreliable Channels". Technical Report, Doctoral School in Communication Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2002. (langue : anglais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Avaliação dos Detectores de Defeitos e sua Influência nas Operações de Consenso" (Evaluation of Failure Detectors and their Influence on the Consensus Operations), Master Thesis, PPGC:UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, march 2001. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Detectores de Defeitos Não Confiáveis" (Unreliable Failure Detectors). Technical Report, Master in Computer Science, PPGC-UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 2000. (langue : portugais) pdf.
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "CsocketS - Classes para Comunicação de Rede com Autenticação e Criptografia usando Java e CORBA" (CSocketS - Classes for Network Communication with Authentication and Criptography, using Java and CORBA). Bsc. Thesis, UFSM, Santa Maria, Brazil, March 1999. (langue : portugais)pdf. (source code)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Detectores de Defeitos" (Failure Detectors). Lecture about Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Porto Alegre, Brazil, november 1999. (langue : portugais) (pdf) (HTML presentation)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Interrupções Precisas e Imprecisas - Situações e Soluções" (Precise and Imprecise Interruptions - scenarios and solutions). Poster for the course on Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Processing, Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 1999. (langue : portugais) (HTML)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Integrando um Componente CORBA a um Leitor de E-Mail" (Embedding a CORBA component into a Mail-reader application). Course on Programming with Distributed Objects, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 1999. (langue : portugais) (HTML)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A. "Comunicação de Grupo com CORBA" (Group Communication with CORBA). Course on Programming with Distributed Objects, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 1999. (langue : portugais) (HTML)
Barchet-Estefanel, L. A.; Ceretta-Nunes, R. "Implementação de uma Situação de Corrida Crítica em Java" (Implementation of a Critical Run Situation in Java), In: Proceedings of the II Ciclo de Palestras do Curso de Informática, UFSM, Santa Maria, Brazil, october 1997. (langue : portugais) HTML.