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Combinaison des approches de simulation

  1. On Numerical Problems in Simulations of Highly Reliable Markovian Systems, B. Tuffin, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST), University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands September 2004 .

  2. Comparison of Quasi-Monte Carlo-Based Methods for the Simulation of Markov Chains, L'ecot, C. and Tuffin, B., to appear in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Journal, 2004.
  3. Pathset based conditioning for transient simulation of highly dependable systems, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and M. Urquhart, 5th International Conference on Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Juan les Pins, France, juin 2004.

  4. Prefect simulation of queueing networks with blocking and rejection, J.M Vincent, Workshop Modelling and Performance Evaluation for Quality of Service in Next Generation Internet, in IEEE SAINT 2005 Conference, Italy, 2005.

  5. Randomization of Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods for Error Estimation: Survey and Normal Approximation, B. Tuffin, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Vol.10, Num.3-4, pages 617- 628, 2004.
  6. Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of Markov chains with randomized copies of a two-dimensional highly-uniform point set, P. L'Ecuyer, C. L'ecot, B. Tuffin, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Springer-Verlag, 2005
  7. Coverage Function of Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods, Bruno Tuffin, INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, July 2005.

  8. A New Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Approach for Markov Chains, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Christian Lécot, and Bruno Tuffin, INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, July 2005.

  9. Bounded Relative Efficiency in Rare Event Simulation, H. Cancela, G. Rubino and B. Tuffin, In Proceedings of SAINT 2005 workshops, IEEE CS Press, Trento, January 2005.

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Sbeity Ihab 2005-05-04