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Formulation modulaires des modèles

  1. Memory efficient kronecker algorithms with applications to the Modelling of parallel systems, A. Benoit B. Plateau and W. Stewart, Journal of Future Generation of Computer Systems, Elsevier, june 2004.
  2. Agregation of Stochastic Automata with replicas, A. Benoit and L. Brenner and P. Fernandes and B. Plateau, Journal of Linear Algebra and its Applications , v 386, pages 111-136, july 2004.
  3. On the benefits of using functionnal transitions and Kronecker algebra, A. Benoit and P. Fernandes and B. Plateau and W. Stewart, Journal of Performance Evaluation, vol PEVA1119, April 2004.

Sbeity Ihab 2005-05-04