
Packs data into a buffer, in a given position.


a0tError a0FPackPosition(
a0tBuffer *buffer,
long *position,
a0tFormat *format,
void *address,
int count );


buffer write Buffer descriptor to pack into.
position write Position of the storage to pack data into.
format read Format of the elements to pack.
address read Address of the data.
count read Number of elements to pack.


Packs into buffer the count elements of format format who start at memory address address. The buffer position pointer is set to the value pointed by position and data packed are overwritten to any information stored starting that position.

On return of this function, the variable pointed by position contains the buffer position pointer after the pack.

Return Values

If an error condition occurs, it returns the error code, otherwise it returns A0ErrOk. Possible values are as follows:
Error CodeDescription
A0ErrFailPack It was not possible to pack all data.
A0ErrOkSuccessful completion.

See Also

a0FUnpack() a0FPackPosition() a0UseFormats() a0NewMapFormat() a0NewFunctionFormat() a0NewBuffer() a0ClearBuffer() a0SendBuffer() a0ReceiveBuffer() a0ISendBuffer() a0IReceiveBuffer()