Downloading Inuktitut

The installation procedure is easy. The whole process is based on top of GNU automake/autoconf tools (which are not required for the installation). After having installed Inuktitut, please have a look to the examples in the directories 'NetworkCore/examples' in the source tree.

Linux/MacOS X installation

  1. Download and install Inuktitut here
  2. The configure script have a lot of options for compiling differents modules:
  3. The common command line for configuring Inuktitut is: ./configure --prefix=<installdir for inuktitut> --with-all-mods
    --with-corbadir=/path/to/corbadir/ or --prefix=<installdir for inuktitut> --with-allmods
    --without-cornet if you don't have any ORB installed (you'll need to use taktuk to launch your application). All other options are listed using ./configure --help. Please have a look on the INSTALL file.
  4. Enter make install and every things should be ok.
  5. In case of problems, please read first the questions here.

Compiling tests and examples

Tests and examples can be found in \/\. Tests are intended to check that everything looks ok with your installation and make some measures whereas examples are here to help you in developing applications.
If you want to execute parallel programs you should use the appropriate script located in <install for inuktitut>/bin. For instance if you have configured and compiled the Taktuk network you should use inukrun.taktuk. For network on top of CORBA, use inukrun.corba. Scripts have self documention using --help as command line argument.

Current release is version ver-web1 here
