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During my PhD thesis I participated in the development of several publicly distributed open source softwares:
  • Net Juggler: a software framework on top of VR Juggler for cluster-based VR application. I designed and implemented it in collaboration with Loïck Lecointre during an research intership at LIFO.
  • SoftGenLock: a low-level tool to implement genlock and active stereo on standard graphics cards using a simple parallel-port based synchronization protocol.
  • FlowVR: a middleware library supporting the development and execution of large scale virtual reality applications distributed on clusters and grids. This constitutes the main contribution of my PhD work. I designed and implemented most of the low-level execution environment.
Other pieces of software are also available:
  • FlowVR Render: set of modules and filters on top of FlowVR for distributed rendering.
  • Shaders: advanced Cg shaders.
  • Source Codes: small C++ and OpenGL programs.
Last modification: 2005-Jun-04 22:37
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