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$ \Psi$ 1.0 - User Manual

The PSI team
Corine Marchand, Florent Morata, Jean Marc Vincent .

December 15, 2002


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P.S.I. is a software package which permit to simulate stationary distribution or directly cost function of large Markov chains.
The simulation kernel is based on the Coupling From The Past algorithm of Propp & Wilson and uses the Aliasing technique to simulate transitions of the model.

Key Features

Permits to obtain a coding of Markov chains.
Accepts discrete and continuous time models.
Knowledge of stopping criteria simulation.
Provides perfect sampling.
Possibility to directly simulate functional of stationary distribution.
Includes several numerical tools1 (statistics and GnuPlot graphics).

Application Area

Computer performance modelling.
Performance evaluation.
Markov chains simulation.

Key words: Markov chains, CFTP, Walker's algorithm, Aliasing.

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Florent Morata 2002-12-11